Monday, February 19, 2018

Back to the Real World

I went to the teacher inservice today while dad got to enjoy a day off with all the kiddos. This was our last buffer day before going back to the Real World.

I miss my students. It's been a full week since I've been in the classroom. When I went in tonight to print for tomorrow, I saw all the gifts they brought me for Valentine's Day. I'm overwhelmed.

Much like Lennon, those kiddos bring so much joy to my life. They are hardworking, compassionate, and understanding. I consider myself fortunate to be their teacher.  Life with Lennon has taught me that time is precious. I've learned to make the most of small moments, especially those teachable moments about real-world issues.  I know tomorrow they're going to ask a lot of questions. They're also going to want me to say that the doctors found a cure for Lennon. (It's scary to think that he may only live to be their age.)

For now, I'm content to see his beautiful smile and listen to him ask for cookies. (I'm equally happy to listen to his snoring as I type.)

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3 years, 2 months, 16 days (and then some)

It has finally happened.  You've been gone longer than you were here. I miss you every day my beautiful boy.