Friday, September 14, 2018

Quarterly Check-up

Quarterly check-up with the geneticist, dietitian, and neurologist today in Wichita.  Things look pretty good although Lennon did have a breakthrough seizure as we were leaving the first appointment.  That just confirms the doctors' thinking that we need to increase medications due to his growth.

He is up to 34 lbs and 37 inches! Such a big change from April when he was only 25 lbs and 35.5 inches. He's gone from 18m clothes to 4T.

In addition to increasing one of the seizure meds, we are also going to decrease his feeds slightly. We need to be sure that his weight gain does not interfere with his breathing. We are taking away about 150 calories per day and will check his progress in all areas at our December appointment.

Other things that were discussed include getting either a wheelchair or medical grade stroller, a handicap placard, new AFOs, and swabs for the granulation tissue on the g-tube site.

*Pictures to be added later.*

3 years, 2 months, 16 days (and then some)

It has finally happened.  You've been gone longer than you were here. I miss you every day my beautiful boy.