Monday, April 30, 2018

10 Days and Counting

April 19th at noon, I left for Lennon’s pre-op appointment for his g-tube placement. We got home Sunday the 22nd around 5 pm. We left the house a little before 5 am Tuesday the 24th for the ER. April has been a chaotic month for us to say the least. In addition to our travels to Children’s Hospital Colorado on April 6th, we have also had 10 days of inpatient stays at Wesley Children’s Hospital.

The current stay has been a doozy. Although I had more than enough time to write about it, I simply couldn’t find the words to do it while sitting in the PICU.  To make a long story short, Lennon contracted three very common viruses. The kind that most people experience as an annoying runny nose and cough, but also the kind that sends his body into panic mode. He is recovering, but it is slower than we expected at first, especially since his seizures were not visible on the initial 30 minute EEG.  The MRI had much worse news though. There are two two new areas of the brain that show damage. We are seeing big changes in our little guy this time. He didn’t make a sound for several days. He is not biting or chewing. He did not seem to remember how to take a bottle either.

It is so strange and unsettling to be the parent at home with the big kids while dad stays and cares for Lennon. I didn’t have to prepare medicine when I got up this morning. I didn’t have to stop at daycare this morning before taking the boys to school. Sure, I got to work earlier, but it just didn’t feel right. I’m hoping that we are all back under the same roof soon.

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3 years, 2 months, 16 days (and then some)

It has finally happened.  You've been gone longer than you were here. I miss you every day my beautiful boy.