Thursday, September 6, 2018

Going Green

Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week is September 16th -22nd.  I'm hoping that you'll all support Lennon by "Going Green" for Mito. 

The problem I've been facing recently is that I've been going green with envy.  It's embarrassing to admit this.  How can I be so overjoyed for others and so envious of them at the same time.  My heart is overflowing with things to celebrate and yet is broken by... Lennon's circumstances.  It's just not fair.

That green monster is kicking my butt... Whispering in my ear.  Every time I celebrate, I get that whisper telling me another thing that makes him misunderstood or another milestone that he won't meet or a journey that seemed so much longer or harder for him.  Someone keeps trying to steal my joy!

The envious voice keeps wanting to lash out, to paint a vivid picture of the suffering that Mito has caused not just Lennon but our entire family.  While his story deserves to be told, it shouldn't come from that source. 

My baby is a warrior, a charmer, a blessing! He will continue to fight and surprise us all.  Saying that it isn't easy is an enormous understatement!  There is constant emotional conflict... and a part of my story that I'm not quite ready to write.

I hope to keep getting good news like friends' pregnancies, new treatments, quick test results, and kiddos learning and growing. I'll be celebrating along with each of you... and I'll keep seeing things to celebrate with and for Lennon.  That green monster will not get the best of me.

If you're interested in Going Green, please message me or leave a comment here on the blog! I'm thinking Thursday, September 20th would be a good day for it.

As always, thank you for your support and encouragement!

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3 years, 2 months, 16 days (and then some)

It has finally happened.  You've been gone longer than you were here. I miss you every day my beautiful boy.